Tantric Practices in the Barmati Tradition” A Historical Analysis of the Sacred Scripture Barmati Ginans




This paper will examine the Barmati Ginans related to the Tantric verses with corresponding rituals, which were composed by the Barmati founding gurus between the 14th century AD to 19th century AD. The Barmati Panth established by the 12th century AD Saint Matang Dev was an amalgamation of Vedantic philosophy, Nathism and Ismaili Nizarism. Tantra was an essential part of the Panth as the Barmati Gurus with their Tantric powers which attracted the low caste Shudra followers and provided them social protection. Since this study was the first of its kind therefore the historical analysis of the Barmati Tantric Ginans brought out that three different kinds of Tantric Ginans were found to be recited at different level of ritual performance, from highest to lowest. Owing to the syncretic nature of the Panth, the Tantric Ginanic corpus has both Hindu Tantric and Isma’ili Sufi symbols and terminologies. Barmati Tantric Ginans mention unique godly hierarchy of Tantric powers of Chaunsath Joginis, Nine Bhairvas, Four Veeras, Seventy-two Jakh Bauntar, Fifty-two hundred Bhutas, wielded by the third Barmati Guru Matai Dev. Lastly, in the 19th century non-Barmati Tantric verses were intentionally inducted into the sacred Barmati Pothis to claim that they were a part of the Barmati Ginans which was yet another great task.




How to Cite

DR. MOHAN DEV RAJ THONTYA. (2022). Tantric Practices in the Barmati Tradition” A Historical Analysis of the Sacred Scripture Barmati Ginans. Journal of the Pakistan Historical Society, 70(1). Retrieved from https://phs.com.pk/index.php/phs/article/view/179