Journal of the Pakistan Historical Society
Editor: Dr. Muhammad Reza Kazimi
ISSN-P: 0030-9796
ISSN-E: 3078-6827
Frequency: Quarterly
The Pakistan Historical Society (PHS)(Estd. 1950) is a democratically structured organization. Its office bearers and members of the Executive Committee are elected for a three years term
The Society promotes historical research through the publication of research monographs, editing and publishing of sources, and their authentic translations. For this purpose, it has a good reference library. Since 1953 it started publishing a quarterly research journal, now known as the Journal of the Pakistan Historical Society. It is in the 68th year of its existence with regular publication without a single break and has become a recognized and well-established international forum on the history, particularly of South Asia. It is an internationally recognized, indexed, and abstracted journal. This peer and blind-refereed journal is available online through the ProQuest Research Organization.
The journal is recognized by the Higher Education Commission (HEC) in Y category.
The Society has so far published 88 books in English, Urdu, and Persian.
Another field of the Society for promoting historical studies, exchange of ideas, promoting interactions among historians, and attracting the younger generation to History, was conceived through holding History Conferences. The first conference was held in 1950 in K.G.A Hall, Karachi which was inaugurated by the Governor-General Khawaja Nazimuddin. So far 26 international History Conferences have been held under the banner of the Society in Karachi and other cities of Pakistan.
Pakistan Historical Society is endeavoring to coordinate, organize and disseminate high-level academic research pertaining to the history of South Asia, especially Sub-Continent and the Muslim World and in sha Allah its magnificent academic voyage will be continued.
Aims and Objectives:
The Journal of the Pakistan Historical Society is devoted to:
Ancient and Medieval History and Civilization of Islam
Culture and Traditions of Muslim People
Study of Ancient and Medieval History and Culture
Muslims in South Asia Historiography
The Colonial masters, later followed by the chauvinistic Hindu writers and historians tried to present the Muslim period in the darkest possible colors. Since the time of the All India Muhammadan Educational Conference led by Sir Syed and his colleagues tried their utmost to negate and rectify these distortions. When Pakistan came into being the pioneer fathers felt the urgent need to present a revised correct version of our history. Keeping this in view, all the leading historians of Pakistan led by Mr. Fazlur Rahman, the Federal Educational Minster, at first created a History Board to prepare a History of Freedom Movement in 1949-50. Soon it was realized that it requires better organization not only for this History of Freedom Movement but also for other periods of History. Hence the History Board was converted into the Pakistan Historical Society (PHS) in 1950 which was properly registered. The first president of PHS was Mr. Fazlur Rahman while Dr. S. MoinulHaq was the General Secretary. The office bearers were:
Executive Committee (2024-2027)
Office Bearers
Mrs. Sadia Rashid
Prof. Dr. Tahera Aftab
Dr. Muhammad Reza Kazimi
Prof Dr Syed Jaffar Ahmed
General Secretary
Syed Muhammad Arsalan
Prof. Dr. Javed Husain
Prof. Dr. Riaz Ahmad
Prof. Dr. Sayed Wiqar Ali Shah
Prof. Dr. Muhammad Iqbal Chawla
Prof. Dr. Muhammad Shafique
Prof. Dr. Ghulam Mohammad Lakho
Prof. Dr. Anwar Shaheen
Prof. Dr. Nasreen Afzal
Dr. Sultan-i-Rome
Dr. Noreen Mujahid
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